Thursday, March 18, 2010

Put a Store Up for Merch on Zazzle

I only have two items in here so far, but there has been such a big demand to have some made that I had to start somewhere. I hope you enjoy them. Feedback encouraged!

make custom gifts at Zazzle

Monday, March 15, 2010

Girls Outnumber the Men 5 to 1

A group of girls came in and asked if this was a lesbian bar. I said I hadn't taken a survey upon entry and didn't know. They said they were wondering because the bar was full of women. Odd. A bar?

Closer inspection, or should I say, having this brought to my attention, I did a count = twenty girls and two guys.

One set was a couple, so the odds of the lone, single guy to hook up are pretty good.

The girls that asked about the bar's orientation opted not to stay. As they walked out the door, I yelled, "Good thing the lesbians left!"

One heard and came back in all defensive, "I'm not a lesbian."

I said, "It's okay." and "You can be open with your sexuality here."
The girl, "No, really, I'm not gay."
Me, "No, REALLY, it's OKAY."

And then the couple at the bar started making out...

So I said, "See, it's okay to try a boy just like college."

...and I'm sure the hilarity of this story makes no sense to straight people afraid of gay people.

For the record, I don't take a poll at the door. And if you're a dude, it's likely your odds are good even if most of 'em are lesbians.